Advantages of FSM

How might FSM be an advantage to you in your practice?

What would happen in your practice if you could reduce inflammation by 62% in four minutes (1, 3), and increase ATP production by 500%? (2)

FSM changes what is possible...


You'll know that treatment can be painful for the patient.

FSM can achieve myofascial release without pain, and the effect is observed very quickly.

IF YOU TREAT patients with...

You'll know the iliopsoas and rectus abdominus muscles are very important and may harbour trigger points but they are difficult to reach effectively.

FSM can easily reach them when applied in a way that sandwiches those muscles.

IF YOU TREAT tissues with...

You'll know they are harder to work with, yet can be a source of pain.

FSM has been observed to result in softening of scar tissue, easily and painlessly.

IF YOU TREAT injured...athletes

You'll know they want to get better as rapidly as possible!

FSM significantly prevents delayed onset muscle soreness [DOMS] (3) and has been observed to speed up the healing time after injury.

nerve pain

You'll know TENS & acupuncture block nerve signals to help reduce pain.

FSM appears to reduce inflammation in the spinal cord itself, when the current is run from neck to feet (4).

muscular problems

You'll know you need to also treat the synergistic and/or opposing muscles.

FSM treats these simultaneously because it is applied in a way that sandwiches both muscle groups, thus facilitating return to balanced function.

traumatic injuries

You'll know they can be 'emotionally-laden'.

FSM utilises specific frequencies that have been observed to be effective in such cases where standard therapy either had been ineffective or of only short-lived benefit.

IF YOU USE MASSAGE to treat...tight tissues

You'll know it's tiring and potentially injurious to you.

FSM is applied using only gentle pressure, as the frequencies and the current themselves appear to do the work. This allows the therapist's hands to be relaxed and to better sense the tissue changes as they occur with treatment.

FSM is in how it's applied




No technique is 100% effective and FSM is no exception. Because the frequencies for conditions and tissue types are so specific, the effectiveness of FSM depends almost entirely on making an accurate diagnosis so as to choose the right frequencies to use for each case.

For instance, shoulder pain may arise from muscle, tendon, bursa or the joint. There are different frequencies that can effectively treat each of these pain generators. But if you treat the tendon and the pain is from a bursa, you may change the tendon but you won't have treated the pain as it is not arising from the tendon.

This is why potential FSM therapists need to have had training in a healthcare profession to be able to use FSM. And during the Core FSM training course, therapists are provided with clinical protocols for diagnosing and treating common injuries and conditions so as to maximise the efficacy of treatment.



The frequencies appear to do exactly what they are alleged to do through what science now knows as the principles of biological resonance (5). Using FSM, therapists can achieve results never before possible. That's why we say 'FSM changes what is possible in pain management and health care'.

1. Reilly, Reeve, McMakin. Anti-inflammatory effects of interferential frequency specific applied microcurrent. 2003 Abstract, International conference, Sydney.
2. Cheng, N. The effect of electric currents on ATP generation, protein synthesis, and membrane transport in rat skin. Clinical Orthopaedics1982, 171: 264-272.
3. Curtis, D. et al. The efficacy of frequency specific microcurrent therapy on delayed onset muscle soreness. JBMT 2010, doi:10.1016.
4. McMakin, C., Gregory, W., Phillips, C. Cytokine changes with microcurrent treatment of fibromyalgia associated with Cervical spine trauma. JBMT 2005, 169-176.
5. Oschman, J. Energy Medicine: the Scientific Basis, Elsevier 2002.


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